True Love? Not Quite.
Ok, so I know that I am at least one year late on this song, but I try, obviously rather successfully, to avoid mainstream culture because it becomes more toxic with each passing day. I heard this song on the overhead in a store yesterday, just playing for anyone to hear. Like most background music, it was ignorable enough, but had a catchy hook that grabbed my attention and made me listen up. Here are my observations:

Ladies, I understand Girl Power and all that good stuff, but if this song resonates with you, then you need to talk to the producers of Jerry Springer and at least get your 15 minutes of fame on daytime tv. What she describes is so dysfunctional, that it is beyond me that anyone would like this, even tongue-in-cheek. But it was her biggest hit last summer. What does that say about the state of gender relations between men and women? If you took this song and had a man sing it, would you find it plucky and cute? It’s abusive- and it’s scary that no one points that out. If this is reflective of the “battle of the sexes”, then it explains so much to me.

Largely thanks to no-fault divorce and the “liberation” of everyone’s sexuality, men and women hate and kind of fear one another. Why? Because they treat one another, individually and as a whole, like crap. Women regularly refer to men as just another one of their “kids” and give no respect or even try to find a way to speak to and treat a man in a way that would actually get through. They simply don’t care. They have been told their whole lives to go get what they want and don’t let anything or anyone stand in their way. They are like bulldozers, and who wants to try to snuggle up to that?

I think most people in the West go through this cycle where it seems like everyone in your life is getting married, then everyone is having kids, and I have arrived at the point where most everyone I know is getting divorced. Things have changed on that front, though. When I was a kid and my parents’ friends marriages were dropping like flies, it was because the men were having a “mid-life crisis” and had stepped out on their wife with some young thing, causing the break-up of the marriage. That is not the case anymore. In the three instances that spring readily to mind, the guys, while certainly not perfect, were trying to make things work. They were put through years of jumping through hoops and trying desperately just to make her happy. Then one day, they are served with divorce papers and she goes Crazy Train. She uses the kids as a weapon; she moves in with other men (or women, because whatever, right?); even though she makes more money than him, she constantly mismanages her own and requires more and more of his. The pendulum has swung, alright. Go Girl Power?

The upshot to all of this is that, if you take two steps back, you will realize why men would rather play video games or surf porn than try to have a relationship with a woman. Who the hell would sign up for that? Just leave your manhood on the dresser and she will put it in her purse until such time that she wants to throw your lack of it in your face. That’s the price of admission. They think it’s better not to have kids than to end up like their poor, sad sack buddy who now has to watch the revolving door of men with their ex- and their kids. And the courts completely back the harpy’s every move, leaving the men with no recourse.

I am not saying that it’s admirable for grown men to spend all of their time on Call of Duty, Farmville, or Pornhub, but I see why it happens. Both men and women are acting like absolute pigs. Feminism used to be about making sure women weren’t second-class citizens. Today, it’s about punishing men for being men. It’s about making men submit to whatever craziness (see Pink) that women want to throw at them. All heterosexual sex is rape? All the men better nod. Double standard that says a men should be happy to be a stay-at-home dad, but then runs him down for being a beta male? All the men should say “Amen!”

It’s scary to me, as the mother of four girls and a boy, to imagine my children trying to find functional spouses in the current climate. I want my kids to have a shot at having a loving marriage to a non-crazy person. We are feeling our way through how to do that, and it is very hard. We have to say “no” to things that our parents allowed us to do. We have to be willing to be counter-culture. What I know for sure is that my children aren’t being raised with “mainstream” values because wading into that stream is taking a dunk in the sewer. I know that whatever Pink thinks is “True Love”, couldn’t be farther from the truth.  I want them to experience the beauty of a Christian relationship, based on mutual respect and struggling together against the world, rather than making war on each other.

About toshfamily5

I am proud to be the wife of Peter, and the mother of five awesome blessings.
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